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Genius Radiator Valves, Room Thermostats and Room Sensors all in the same zone

If you place multiple devices into the same zone on the app the following will happen:

  • Adding in a Wireless Room Sensor
    • The measured temperature is averaged between all of the devices in the zone (the valves and the room sensor/s).
    • If the target temperature is changed on one valve this will apply to all valves in that zone.
    • The triggers from the room sensor are used by the zone.

  • Adding in a Wireless Room Thermostat
    • The measured temperature is averaged between all of the devices in the zone (the valves, the room sensor/s and the room thermostat/s).
    • If the target temperature is changed on one valve or the room thermostat this will apply to all valves in that zone.
    • The triggers from the room sensor are used by the zone.

A modification will be made to the system where you will be able to select which device the system will use as a reference temperature for the zone (rather than averaging all of the temperatures) but a release date for this has not been set yet.

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